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Disneyland Day 2


Hi there!

So when I left you last we had just ended our first day in Disneyland.  We all went to bed early so we were nice and rested for our first day in the park.


We started our morning with a stop into Starbucks for coffees and a quick breakfast.  I’ve mentioned this before but I’m just not a big Starbucks fan and I was wishing they had another option.  It wasn’t until our final day that I noticed a sign outside of an ice cream shop advertising Peet’s coffee and found my beloved Almond Milk Latte there.  Wish I saw that earlier!  None the less, Starbucks fueled our morning and kept us warm while we waited to enter the park an hour early for Magic Morning.


We had magic morning and from our experience the time before knew we needed to make a b-line for Fantasyland and get in line for Peter Man’s Flight.  So we jammed over there as soon as they released the flood gates bobbing and weaving through the crowds.  While there was a little rush, it was nothing compared to what the crowds were like when we went in May.


We went on a few rides in Fantasyland then made our way to Tomorrowland to get in line for Fast passes to Space Mountain.  Which unfortunately I couldn’t go on but somehow The Hubby talked The Love Nugget into trying it…  He didn’t love it.  He did however LOVE the Buzz Light Year adventure and begged to go on it numerous times.


We met up with my brother and Sister-in-law after awhile and ventured over to Frontierland where we met Woody,


went on Pirates of the Caribbean then grabbed some lunch at the New Orleans Cafe.


The Love Nugget and his cousin :-)  

There was NO line to go on Splash Mountain so I wrangled the kids (minus The Love Nugget) while everyone else went on the ride.  The Love Nugget HATED it and evidentially screamed the whole time.  He’s not a fan of roller coasters….

He is however a fan of all the characters and was SO into getting their autographs in his Disney Autograph book.  FYI save some money and order on Amazon before going.  Much cheaper than in the Disney stores :-)


Waiting for Tiger’s autograph 

We headed over to main street after that to get ready for the parade!


 While we waited, we popped into the silhouette shop and got The Love Nugget’s profile done with his Mickey Ears on.  I love it!

Sitting still…

After the parade we walked back over to Tomorrowland (I think The Hubby and Love Nugget could have spent all day there) so they could go through the Marvel building and go on Buzz Light Year again.


Iron Man!

We did one last ride, Finding Nemo, before hopping on the Monorail to go back to the hotel for some warmer clothes.


Going undersea for Finding Nemo!

A huge perk of staying on property was the ease of getting back and forth to the parks.  A short ride on the monorail and we were there!  We grabbed some warm clothes, then a quick bite to eat and then jammed back into Disneyland to watch the light parade and fireworks show.


You can see the exhaustion in my face.  I was wiped out! 

The Love Nugget and I left immediately after the show to go back to the hotel while the rest of our group went in search of one more ride.  Unfortunately all the rides were done and the park was closing so it wasn’t long before we were all again in bed, passed out.  A very fun, but LONG day and we needed rest for our next adventures!


  • Do you prefer Disneyland or CA Adventures?  
  • Favorite ride in Disneyland? 

The post Disneyland Day 2 appeared first on My Healthy Happy Home.

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